
Posts Tagged ‘O Holy Night’

Merry Christmas!

December 23, 2011 3 comments

I’m back… I have been away from blogging since October third of this year. I could give you a host of reasons why; but I don’t want to  bore you with the mundane details of my life. I will say though that I have been a very busy person with various things, I have a call to the ministry so I have been doing a lot of self reflection, and praying and studying lately. God is so very good to me and my family and I thank him everyday.

Now on to details about my blogging, I am hoping to continue my regular blogging very soon! I have some CD reviews in the pipeline along with possibly some upcoming concert reviews. I just hope to grasp onto some sort of organized regular blogging, which just doesn’t seem to ever happen for an unorganized procrastinator like mysel I hope you all have a very  merry Christmas, and remember what the true reason for this wonderful holiday is.  Below is my favorite performance of any song of all time.